About Me

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Temi (Tay-me), and I am crazy about pleasant smells. I am unsure if it’s because I am highly sensitive or have good hygiene.

I love when people or a place smells fantastic.

Few people know this about me, but smell affects my mood. I am not sure how to explain it. But when I get a whiff of a fragrance, my mood reacts.

I could be happier, moody, and sometimes even thoughtful. Some fragrances even give me a headache.

I started The Smell Good Blog to share all I know (and am learning) about smelling good.

Here’s All You Will Learn

The Smell Good Blog will teach you everything you need to know about smelling amazing every time—you will never be caught unfresh.

You can sign up for my newsletter here, where I send weekly tips on the latest smelling good tips. Click here to get started.

I really hope you have a great time looking around.

Do you have any questions? You can email me here.

