All You Need To Know About How To Smell Good Naturally

Are you looking for how to smell good naturally? Making your body smell good naturally? You will find all the information you need and more in this article.

Research has shown that certain foods contain compounds that can be excreted through your sweat glands and which affect how you smell.

So, how can you smell good naturally?

Here are easy steps to smell good without using harsh chemicals and substances.

How To Smell Good From Inside

Hydrate Often

Drinking water regularly helps flush out toxins that cause body odor.

Drinking water after every meal also helps dilute foods like soya beans, onions, and garlic, which can easily influence bodily odors.

Avoid Alcohol

How do you tell if someone is blotto drunk? It is by the stench of alcohol oozing out of every part of their body.

When you consume alcohol, it gets metabolized into acetic acid, which is then secreted into your sweat, then out through your sweat pores.

When this acidic sweat reacts with the bacteria on your skin, it gives off an awful stink.

TL: DR, reduce your alcohol consumption.

Eat Lots Of Fresh Fruits

Eating fruits high in citrus helps flush out odors, which are also absorbed by the body to help you smell great.

Fruits like apples have anti-bacterial properties that help fight bad breath and act as a mouth freshener.

Cut Down On Red Meat

Did you know that red meat takes a lot of time to digest?

After digestion, the amino acids leave a residue in your intestines.

Eventually, the residue gets broken down and reabsorbed into your body, which mixes with the bacteria on your skin and exacerbates your body odor.

Reduce Your Consumption of Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are a class of vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals and are also famous for their cancer-fighting properties.

We categorize these vegetables as cruciferous because the blossoms of these plants resemble the cross.

Vegetables in this category include:

a. Brussels sprouts

b. Radishes

c. Cauliflower

d. Broccoli

e. Cabbage

f. Collards

g. Watercress

h. Arugula

i. Kale

j. Bok choy

k. Turnips

Cruciferous vegetables usually have potent flavors and aromas.

Overeating these vegetables will cause their intense flavors to mix with your sweat and the bacteria on your skin, causing a pungent odor lasting for hours.

Some other vegetables you can avoid together are garlic and onions because they cause a very pungent smell when consumed in medium to small quantities.

Consume fewer seafood and shellfish.

Tuna and Salmon contain a type of B vitamin called choline, which causes the odorous fishy smell.

When consumed, your body can secrete choline into your sweat for up to a day.

You might suffer from a metabolic disorder called trimethylaminuria, also known as fish odor syndrome.

Trimethylaminuria is when the body cannot break down trimethylamine (an odorous chemical), which is obtained from food such as fish, eggs, and beans; then trimethylamine builds up in the body and gets into bodily fluids like sweat, saliva, etc.

Learn more about trimethylamine.

Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Body Odor

1. Apple Cider Vinegar A Day Keeps The Odor Away

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is used for much more than dressing your salads.

ACV is great for maintaining the pH levels inside and outside your body.

A dab of Apple Cider Vinger twice a day on your underarms eliminates bacterial buildup and keeps you smelling fresh.

Apple cider vinegar is another excellent shampoo alternative because it removes rancid oil and protein buildup in your hair.

2. Apply Witch Hazel To Your Armpits

Witch Hazel can naturally constrict the pores in your underarms, reducing sweat.

Apply Witch hazel after taking a shower to your underarms. Some Witch Hazel extracts have alcohol infused, making it the perfect combo for fighting bacteria.

3. Rub Lemon On Your Armpits

Because of its highly acidic contents, lemon is another effective way to eliminate smell armpit odor.

It reduces the pH level of your skin and eliminates odor-causing bacteria.

Lemon is very acidic, so if you have sensitive skin, I advise you to dilute the lemon juice with a bit of water.

Note: For all these homemade odor-eliminating tips above, please do not apply them immediately after a shave or on broken skin.

4. Use Homemade Deodorants

If you don’t like regular deodorants and antiperspirants containing harsh chemicals.

Using a homemade deodorant might be the best alternative.

One simple and effective way to make homemade deodorant is mixing equal parts of baking soda and cornstarch.

This mixture reduces sweat and removes body odor.

Another odor-busting remedy is a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda.

Here’s an easy-to-follow guide to making home odor-busting remedies.

5. Take Along Tea Tree Oil Spray For On The Go Freshness

Tea tree oil has the most potent and effective antibacterial properties of the natural anti-odor remedies on our list. It is effective against many things like acne, and skin infections, preventing skin cancer, and works against dandruff and lice.

It is an effective astringent and one of the best alternatives to regular deodorants.

Applying tree oil to your skin will sting because of its highly acidic properties.

I recommend diluting it with water — if you have highly sensitive skin, avoid using tea tree oil altogether.

You can mix equal parts of tea tree oil and water into a small spray bottle.

You can dry out your pits with toilet paper and spritz some tea tree oil; you can continue with a fresh burst of confidence and freshness.

Habits That Keep You Smelling Good

1. Shave Regularly

Our armpits and pubes are breeding grounds for bacteria because of the many secretory glands.

Having too much hair can trap offensive odors that people with poor hygiene have.

I usually go for a clean shave under my armpit. It is easier to wash out bacteria during a shower and apply deodorants or alternatives afterward.

For your pubes, whether you want to go clean-shaven down there or trim it down, it is up to you.

I recommend you keep it low all the time.

2. Shower (At Least) Twice Daily

I don’t advise anyone who wants to smell fresh all the time to shower just three times a week.

No… twice a day is more effective at keeping you clean —showering at least twice a day reduces the number of bacteria on your skin.

Using an anti-bacterial soap every other day is also great.

I’d advise getting a fishnet sponge or a loofah for exfoliation. But make sure you’re taking care of your loofah after every use.

3. Wear Clean, Breathable, Comfortable Clothes

Knowing those summer days can be scorching, breathable materials such as cotton, polyester, and rayon are great options.

Each of these materials has its pros and cons.

I prefer cotton because it is comfortable. Its only downside is it absorbs moisture compared to the other two, which are better at wicking moisture away.

But the major downside to polyester and rayon is they usually keep odor.

Make sure you wash your clothes often, especially if you’re very active, and work out a lot.

Never wear an outfit you’ve worn to the gym or for the second time without washing it.

Wear clean underwear daily because it directly interacts with your skin and absorbs all the sweat and bacteria.

Wearing your underwear more than once is just a recipe for funky smells.

Final Thoughts

To smell great all the time, developing excellent hygiene is mandatory. Consider using natural deodorants for extra protection for really sunny days.

Temitope Samuel